In a rare moment, dozens of Bronxites came out for the weekend of pilot access inside the fences of the Jerome Park Reservoir, a first in twenty years. Families, couples, friends, walkers, and runners got a first-hand look of the water supply and make use of some of the most beautiful and heretofore underutilized pathways in the Bronx.
Despite a grossly overzealous security effort by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, which included K9 dogs and armed personnel, comments heard included: “It’s about time”, “I want to see more of this,” and “this is just lovely.” The DEP’s extra security personnel stemmed from the recent terror attacks in Paris on Nov. 13, according to sources familiar with the security detail.

The Jerome Park Reservoir Access Task Force, a volunteer panel that worked out the details of the opening, are interested in obtaining your feedback. The group is primarily interested in knowing what kinds of JPR access programs participants would like to see in the future.
Send comments to: [email protected]
I do not think the inner part of the Jerome Reservoir Park should be open to the public. The outside sidewalk area of the park was recently made over for both joggers and walkers, etc. In addition, there is the park that has also been improved for the public. There is truly no reason for anyone to have access to the inside part of the reservoir. It is not part of an ocean, sea or lake that people should be allowed to just enter and wander around in. It should remain as a private, safe and clean area and not be taken over by the general public. People are easily able to walk all around the block to the other side and back without difficulty. Can anything ever be left alone without complete change?! It is like a landmark site (if not already), and should be observed and respected as one.