Welcome back the Bronx News Roundup. Here are the Bronx stories we’re following today.
In case you were busy watching that other debate last night, here’s the City Council District 12 (convicted felon Larry Seabrook’s empty seat) debate conducted on BronxTalk by host Gary Axelbank. It undoubtedly the most competitive and interesting local election that will be decided on Nov. 6.
The proposal to site four new Metro North stations in the Boogie Down would be a big help to subway-starved east Bronx commuters, NY1 reports. (And a boost to the economy, BP Ruben Diaz Jr. suggests.)
A Bronx Science grad goes to his 50th reunion, writes about it on Huffington Post and laments that aren’t more places like Science where it’s “safe to be smart.”
Bronx Ink has a lengthy story on a New York judge’s crusade to raise the age of criminal responsibility from age 16 to 18.
Ok, now for a few laughs:
Jerry Seinfeld did a comedy set at Lehman Center in the Bronx. What’s the deal with that? [Riverdale Press]
Surgery is always serious, except for when it involves removing a whistle stuck in a Bronx kid’s throat that goes off every time he laughs.
And finally, here’s “German-Irish” comic Roman S, from the Bronx, with a few jokes on racism:
That’s all for today. Send links and news tips to us at [email protected].