Running out of time, so just a few random thoughts and clips this Friday afternoon.
A local elected official, I won’t say who, stopped me on the street the other day. We talked for a while and then he told me, “Wow, you guys are hitting the borough president hard these days.”
First of all, I don’t think that’s the case. The Norwood News did co-write an editorial, with three other newspapers, saying Bronx Beep caved on the Living Wage legislation that continues to languish in the Council chambers like a three-day old slice of pizza that’s been left in the box on the kitchen table. And we may have mentioned that there was opposition to the FreshDirect deal, which there was.
Those were two questionable policy moves, which Diaz has defended. But on the whole, since he took office three years ago, we have supported the vast majority of his decisions and policy stances. We praised his leadership during the first battle over putting a mall in the Kingsbridge Armory (a battle we may see again, according to inside sources), we love his commitment to curbing gun violence and promoting healthy lifestyle choices and the value of being good fathers and parents to our children.
In any case, we exist to foster communication, provide information and be a watchdog on the powers that be. If we appear critical, it’s because we hold our elected officials to high standards.
On a personal note, I’m a big Ruben Diaz, Jr. fan for a number of reasons. For one, like myself, he’s a big hip-hop fan and is friends with Fat Joe. That’s just cool. And two, because unlike other folically-challenged folks, such as myself, he had the guts to go clean-shaven up top. So there’s that.
And now, a few plugs:
— For my mentor and predecessor Jordan Moss, who is cranking up his own blog, Bronx Matters. Check him out, 82 people already Facebook like him.
— For former Norwood News intern Andrew Boryga, who will be president or win a Nobel prize in something one day, who wrote a fantastic short story, “The Numbers,” that was published in the Susquehanna Review, an upstate literary magazine.
— For the Bronx Museum’s First Fridays event tonight at 6 p.m., which will feature a performance by latin band Son de Madre:
— For Stevie B and other Freestyle artists, who are playing Lehman Center on Saturday night: