
Weekend Bridge and Street Closures in The Bronx, Nov 5 to 7

Photo Caption: A garbage train under the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge truss span, in the Bronx. These trains take garbage from a Waste Management transfer station a bit further down the line to sites in Western NY like the High Acres Landfill near Fairport.
Photo by Sam LaRussa on Unsplash

The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) has advised of the following weekend street and bridge closures in the Bronx from Nov. 5 to Nov 7.


Tilden Street between Barnes Avenue and Bronxwood Avenue: This street will be closed Friday and Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 11/10/21 to facilitate crane operation.

East 144th Street between Gerard Avenue and Exterior Street: This street will be closed from 7am to 3pm through 11/30/21 to facilitate crane operation.

East 149th Street between Dead End and Exterior Street: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm through 11/8/21 for new building construction access and use.

East 160th Street between Forest Avenue and Tinton Avenue: This street will be closed from 8am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday through 11/2/21 to facilitate crane operation.

East 162nd Street between Park Avenue and Courtlandt Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 11/29/21 to facilitate crane operation.

Courtlandt Avenue between East 163rd Street and East 162nd Street: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 11/29/21 to facilitate crane operation.

Cauldwell Avenue between East 158th Street and East 160th Street: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 11/29/21 to facilitate crane operation.

Forest Avenue between East 158th Street and East 160th Street: This street will be closed from 8am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday through 11/2/21 to facilitate crane operation.

Boiler Avenue between Boston Road and Tillotson Avenue: This street will be closed from 9am to 4pm Friday, 8am to 5pm Saturday and 9am to 5pm Sunday through 11/29/21 for mainline track repairs.



Additional Closures Related to the New York City Marathon and Family Reunion

Event:                   NYC Marathon and Family Reunion
Date:                     Sunday, November 7, 2021
Borough:              Citywide
Time:                    At the discretion of NYPD
Closure:               At the discretion of NYPD


Staten Island

  • Richmond Terrace between Jersey Street and Bay Street
  • Wall Street (aka Richmond County Ballpark Driveway) between Richmond Terrace and Bank Street
  • Jersey Street between Richmond Terrace and Victory Boulevard
  • Victory Boulevard between Jersey Street and Bay Street
  • Bay Street between Richmond Terrace and School Road
  • Fingerboard Road between Bay Street and Tompkins Avenue
  • Tompkins Avenue between Fingerboard Road and School Road
  • School Road between Bay Street and Staten Island Expressway
  • Lily Pond Avenue between Staten Island Expressway and Father Capodanno Boulevard
  • McClean Avenue between Lily Pond Avenue and New York Avenue
  • Hylan Boulevard between Bay Street and Olga Place
  • Steuben Street between Olga Place and West Fingerboard Road
  • West Fingerboard Road between Steuben Street and Hylan Boulevard
  • Sand Lane between Hylan Boulevard and Father Capodanno Boulevard
  • Father Capodanno Boulevard between Sand Lane and Lily Pond Avenue
  • Verrazano Bridge



  • Dahlgren Place between Verrazano Bridge and 92nd Street (Northbound)
  • 92nd Street between Dahlgren Place and 4th Avenue
  • Brooklyn Queens Expressway (Southbound) between Verrazano Bridge and 79th Street
  • Gatling Place/79th Street BQE Entrance Ramp between 83rd Street and 79th Street
  • 7th Avenue (Southbound) between 79th Street and 74th Street
  • 74th Street between 6th Avenue and 7th Avenue
  • 6th Avenue between 74th Street and 75th Street/Bay Ridge Parkway
  • 75th Street/Bay Ridge Parkway between 7th Avenue and 4th Avenue
  • Fort Hamilton Parkway between 92nd Street and 94th Street
  • 94th Street between Fort Hamilton Parkway and 4th Avenue
  • 4th Avenue between 94th Street and Flatbush Avenue
  • Flatbush Avenue between 4th Avenue and Lafayette Avenue
  • Lafayette Avenue between Flatbush Avenue and Bedford Avenue
  • Bedford Avenue between Lafayette Avenue and Nassau Avenue
  • Nassau Avenue between Bedford Avenue/Lorimer Street and Manhattan Avenue
  • Manhattan Avenue between Nassau Avenue and Greenpoint Avenue
  • Greenpoint Avenue between Manhattan Avenue and McGuinness Boulevard
  • McGuinness Boulevard (Southbound) between Greenpoint Avenue and Pulaski Bridge
  • Pulaski Bridge (Southbound)



  • 11th Street between Pulaski Bridge and 48th Avenue
  • 48th Avenue between 11th Street and Vernon Boulevard
  • Vernon Boulevard between 48th Avenue and 10th Street
  • 10th Street between Vernon Boulevard and 44th Drive
  • 44th Drive between 10th Street and Hunter Street
  • Hunter Street between 44th Drive and Crescent Street
  • Crescent Street between Hunter Street and Queens Plaza South
  • Queens Plaza South between Crescent Street and 23rd Street
  • Queens Plaza North between Crescent Street and 23rd Street
  • 23rd Street between Queens Plaza South and Queens Plaza North
  • Queensboro Bridge (Eastbound)
  • Queensboro Bridge Bicycle and Pedestrian Path



  • Queensboro Bridge (Vehicle Entrance Ramp Eastbound)
  • East 59th Street between 2nd Avenue and 1st Avenue
  • East 60th Street between 1st Avenue and 2nd Avenue
  • 1st Avenue between East 59th Street and Willis Avenue Bridge
  • Madison Avenue Bridge (Westbound)
  • 142nd Street between Lenox Avenue and 5th Avenue
  • 5th Avenue between 142nd Street and 124th Street
  • Madison Avenue (FDR Service Road) between East 135th Street and East 142nd Street
  • West 124th Street between 5th Avenue and Mount Morris Park West
  • Mount Morris Park West between West 124th Street and West 120th Street
  • West 120th Street between Mount Morris Park West and 5th Avenue
  • 5th Avenue between 120th Street and 90th Street
  • 90th Street between 5th Avenue and East Drive
  • East Drive between 90th Street and Grand Army Plaza
  • Grand Army Plaza between East Drive and West 59th Street
  • West 59th Street between 5th Avenue and Columbus Circle/8th Avenue/Central Park West
  • Columbus Circle between West 59th Street and Central Park Driveway
  • Central Park Driveway/8th Avenue Approach to West Drive
  • West Drive between 8th Avenue Approach and 85th Street Approach to West Drive
  • Terrace Drive between West Drive and East Drive
  • Center Drive between West Drive and East Drive
  • West 85th Street Approach to West Drive
  • West 81st Street Approach to West Drive
  • West 77th Street Approach to West Drive
  • West 67th Street Approach to West Drive



  • Willis Avenue Bridge
  • East 135th Street between Willis Avenue and Alexander Avenue
  • Alexander Avenue between East 135th Street and East 138th Street
  • East 138th Street between Alexander Avenue and 3rd Avenue
  • 3rd Avenue between East 138th Street and East 139th Street
  • Morris Avenue between East 139th Street and East 140th Street
  • East 140th Street between 3rd Avenue and Rider Avenue
  • Rider Avenue between East 140th Street and East 138th Street
  • East 138th Street between Rider Avenue and Madison Avenue Bridge


Free Metrocards are available for those availing of a free vaccine at Times Square subway station for a specific duration, according to official New York State flyers posted at the station on Friday, November 4, 2021. 
Photo by Síle Moloney


The NYPD later provided the following weekend and Veterans’ Day traffic advisories.


Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021


Bronx: 10 a.m.

Location: Eastchester Road and Rhinelander Avenue

Closure: None



Queens: 1 p.m.

Location:  64th Street and Flushing Avenue

Closure: None



Manhattan: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Location: Broadway between 17th Street and 23rd Street

Closure: Full Street Closure



Manhattan: At the discretion of NYPD

Formation:  Fulton Street between Schenectady Avenue and Stuyvesant Avenue

Route:  Fulton Street between Stuyvesant Avenue and Saratoga Avenue

Dispersal:  Fulton Street between Saratoga Avenue and Thomas S BoylandStreet

Closure: Full Street Closure



Manhattan: At the discretion of NYPD


East 47th Street between 1st Avenue and 2nd Avenue

1st Avenue between East 50th Street and East 42nd Street

42nd Street between 1st Avenue and 6th Avenue

6TH Avenue between West 42nd Street and West 59th Street

West 59th Street between 6th Avenue and 5th Avenue

Grand Army Plaza between 59th Street and East Drive

East Drive between Grand Army Plaza and Center Drive

Center Drive between East Drive and West Drive

West Drive between Center Drive and 67th Street

Closure: Full Street Closure



                     Sunday, November 07, 2021



Sunday: Citywide /At the discretion of NYPD

Staten Island Portion:

Richmond Terrace between Jersey Street and Bay Street

Wall Street (aka Richmond County Ballpark Driveway) between Richmond Terrace and Bank Street

Jersey Street between Richmond Terrace and Victory Boulevard

Victory Boulevard between Jersey Street and Bay Street

Bay Street between Richmond Terrace and School Road

Fingerboard Road between Bay Street and Tompkins Avenue

Tompkins Avenue between Fingerboard Road and School Road

School Road between Bay Street and Staten Island Expressway

Lily Pond Avenue between Staten Island Expressway and Father Capodanno Boulevard

McClean Avenue between Lily Pond Avenue and New York Avenue

Hylan Boulevard between Bay Street and Olga Place

Steuben Street between Olga Place and West Fingerboard Road

West Fingerboard Road between Steuben Street and HylanBoulevard

Sand Lane between Hylan Boulevard and Father CapodannoBoulevard

Father Capodanno Boulevard between Sand Lane and Lily Pond Avenue

Verrazano Bridge


Brooklyn Portion:

Dahlgren Place between Verrazano Bridge and 92nd Street (Northbound)

92nd Street between Dahlgren Place and 4th Avenue

Brooklyn Queens Expressway (South-bound) between Verrazano Bridge and 79th Street

Gatling Place/79th Street BQE Entrance ramp between 83rdStreet and 79th Street

7th Avenue (southbound) between 79th Street and 74th Street

74th Street between 6th Avenue and 7th Avenue

6th Avenue between 74th and 75th Street/Bay Ridge Parkway

75th Street/Bay Ridge Parkway between 7th Avenue and 4thAvenue

Fort Hamilton Parkway between 92nd Street and 94th Street

94th Street between Fort Hamilton Parkway and 4th Avenue

4th Avenue between 94th Street and Flatbush Avenue

Flatbush Avenue between 4th Avenue and Lafayette Avenue

Lafayette Avenue between Flatbush Avenue and Bedford Avenue

Bedford Avenue between Lafayette Avenue and Nassau Avenue

Nassau Avenue between Bedford Avenue / Lorimer Street and Manhattan Avenue

Manhattan Avenue between Nassau Avenue and GreenpointAvenue

Greenpoint Avenue between Manhattan Avenue and McGuiness Boulevard

McGuiness Boulevard (southbound) between GreenpointAvenue and Pulaski Bridge

Pulaski Bridge (Southbound)


Queens Portion: 

11th Street between Pulaski Bridge and 48th Avenue

48th Avenue between 11th Street and Vernon Boulevard

Vernon Boulevard between 48th Avenue and 10th Street

10th Street between Vernon Boulevard and 44th Drive

44th Drive between 10th Street and Hunter Street

Hunter Street between 44th Drive and Crescent Street

Crescent Street between Hunter Street and Queens Plaza South

Queens Plaza South between Crescent Street and 23rd Street

Queens Plaza North between Crescent Street and 23rd Street

23rd Street between Queens Plaza South and Queens Plaza North

Queensboro Bridge (East-bound)

Queensboro Bridge Bicycle and Pedestrian Path


Manhattan Portion:

Queensboro Bridge (Vehicle Entrance Ramp Eastbound)

East 59th Street between 2nd Avenue and 1st Avenue

East 60th Street between 1st Avenue and 2nd Avenue

1st Avenue between East 59th Street and Willis Avenue Bridge

Madison Avenue Bridge (Westbound)

142nd Street between Lenox Avenue and 5th Avenue

5th Avenue between 142nd Street and 124th Street

Madison Avenue (FDR Service Road) between 135th Street and 142nd Street

West 124th Street between 5th Avenue and Mount Morris Park West

Mount Morris Park West between West 124th Street and West 120th Street

West 120th Street between Mount Morris Park West and 5thAvenue

5th Avenue between 120th Street and 90th Street

90th Street between 5th Avenue and East Drive

East Drive between 90th Street and Grand Army Plaza

Grand Army Plaza between East Drive and West 59th Street

West 59th Street between 5th Avenue and Columbus Circle / 8thAvenue / Central Park West

Columbus Circle between West 59th Street and Central Park Driveway

Central Park Driveway/8th Avenue Approach to West Drive

West Drive between 8th Avenue Approach and 85th Street Approach to West Drive

Terrace Drive between West Drive and East Drive

Center Drive between West Drive and East Drive

West 85th Street Approach to West Drive

West 81st Street Approach to West Drive

West 77th Street Approach to West Drive

West 67th Street Approach to West Drive


Bronx Portion: 

Willis Avenue Bridge

East 135th Street between Willis Avenue and Alexander Avenue

Alexander Avenue between East 135th Street and East 138thStreet

East 138th Street between Alexander Avenue and 3rd Avenue

3rd Avenue between East 138th Street and East 139th Street

Morris Avenue between East 139th Street and East 140th Street

East 140th Street between 3rd Avenue and Rider Avenue

Rider Avenue between East 140th Street and East 138th Street

East 138th Street between Rider Avenue and Madison Avenue Bridge



Central Park West between Columbus Circle and West 76thStreet

West 61st Street between Central Park West and Broadway

West 62nd Street between Central Park West and Broadway

West 63rd Street between Central Park West and Broadway

West 64th Street between Central Park West and Broadway

West 65th Street between Central Park West and Broadway

West 66th Street between Central Park West and Broadway

West 67th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

West 68th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

West 69th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

West 70th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

West 71st Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

West 72nd Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

West 73rd Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

West 74th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

Columbus Avenue between West 74th Street and Broadway

Broadway between West 66th Street and Columbus Circle

Closure: At the discretion of NYPD


               Thursday, November 11, 2021



Manhattan: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.


West 24th Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue

West 25th Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue

West 27th Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue

West 28th Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue

West 24th Street between 5th and 6th Avenue

West 26th Street between 6th and Madison Avenue

West 23rd Street between Broadway and 5th Avenue

West 28th Street between Broadway and 5th Avenue


5th Avenue between 24th Street and 48th Street


48th Street between 7th Avenue and Park Avenue

Closure: At the discretion of NYPD



Manhattan: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Location:  Broadway between Liberty Street and Battery Place

Closure: Same as location



Editor’s Note: Remember the clocks go back by one hour overnight between Saturday, Nov. 6 and Sunday, Nov. 7, when daylight saving time ends. 

When local daylight time is about to reach:
Sunday, November 7, 2021, 2:00:00 am clocks are turned backward 1 hour to
Sunday, November 7, 2021, 1:00:00 am local standard time instead.

Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on Nov 7, 2021 than the day before. There will be more light in the morning.



Welcome to the Norwood News, a bi-weekly community newspaper that primarily serves the northwest Bronx communities of Norwood, Bedford Park, Fordham and University Heights. Through our Breaking Bronx blog, we focus on news and information for those neighborhoods, but aim to cover as much Bronx-related news as possible. Founded in 1988 by Mosholu Preservation Corporation, a not-for-profit affiliate of Montefiore Medical Center, the Norwood News began as a monthly and grew to a bi-weekly in 1994. In September 2003 the paper expanded to cover University Heights and now covers all the neighborhoods of Community District 7. The Norwood News exists to foster communication among citizens and organizations and to be a tool for neighborhood development efforts. The Norwood News runs the Bronx Youth Journalism Heard, a journalism training program for Bronx high school students. As you navigate this website, please let us know if you discover any glitches or if you have any suggestions. We’d love to hear from you. You can send e-mails to [email protected] or call us anytime (718) 324-4998.

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