The freshest edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of Bronx community news you can use. In it, you’ll find 16 pages full of good stuff that can make you the smartest person in the room. As usual, we begin with page 1, and a story that while on the surface can be boring, but has major impacts in your quality of life.
We’re talking about zoning and the findings of a preliminary study that determines whether it’s doable to have future developers build smaller buildings. The answer, according to the study, is yes. As an added bonus, we get Mayor Bill de Blasio’s thoughts on zoning and it’s relationship to whether the city can handle the population load. We complement the piece with an editorial on why it’s important to boil zoning to its essential parts.
Inside the book stories include a breakdown of where mailbox fishers are hurting the confidence of the US Postal Service and the Bronx residents using mailboxes (there’s already a cool map on it that can be found here). We then have an update (or lack thereof) of a skate park that’s expected to be built at Williamsbridge Oval Park. Hear from Councilman Andrew Cohen, who has strong words about the project. We also have two great photo spreads that focus on the Spring Egg Hunt, and our usual Norwood News snapshots on various events.
The usual staples are there–Inquiring Photographer with musings on what kinds of stores should open at a Norwood commercial district, Neighborhood Notes, and Out & About to satisfy your cultural palate.
So take a look at the latest edition of the Norwood News. I love feedback, so please email me at [email protected] so I can take your input into consideration.
Until next time!
David Cruz
Editor in Chief
Norwood News