The former executive director of the Bronx Democratic County Committee has officially announced a run for the 78th Assembly District, long held by Assemblyman Jose Rivera, whose term expires at the end of the year. The race pits two politicos heavily entrenched in borough politics, which could force established lawmakers to pick a side.
Ischia Bravo announced her candidacy via Facebook, calling her run for office “a life changing decision” that generated nearly 200 comments from well-wishers.
“The people of this district deserve a fresh choice and a new vision in Albany. I am committed to enacting a strong agenda on the issues that concern us the most—housing, economic development, education and more,” said Bravo in a statement. Bravo, a Hispanic, announced her candidacy the same weekend as the New York State Association of Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislators Conference held in Albany.
For several months, Bravo’s presence and civic involvement increased within the 78th Assembly District, a largely working class section of the Bronx that covers Bedford Park, Kingsbridge, Fordham and Belmont. After she stopped working for County, Bravo secured a seat at Community Board 7, covering Norwood, Bedford Park, Kingsbridge Heights, Fordham, and University Heights. She’s also sponsored a handful of events that helped raise her profile some.
Rivera, who helped shatter the political mold in the Bronx as one of the few Hispanic legislators in the early 1980s, has held the seat for 16 years even in the face of multiple challengers over the course of his tenure. But while Rivera has kept his presence high within some portions of his district, he has come short in visiting sections of Bedford Park regularly. His legislative accomplishments have been thin in the last few years. His most recent bill proposes The Bronx Zoo extend its Free Wednesdays perk through the year 2020.
Even so, the Bronx Democratic County Committee, which offers support in the way of volunteers and campaign funds, does not intend to support Bravo’s bid for office, adhering to its policy of supporting incumbents over challengers. Bravo told the Norwood News she expects to have “a diverse array of supporters from all over the district and the Bronx.”
Rivera was unavailable for comment.