With news that The Doe Fund is building supportive housing in Norwood for those living with HIV/AIDS, we asked residents whether everyone deserves a decent place to live or if the infected should live elsewhere.
I was caught by surprise by this, but it all comes down to one thing: knowing the basics about protection and really following it through. That’s the common law of the whole world; you don’t want to catch something you don’t want so you protect yourself. But this community as a whole accepting a building for that, affordable housing, I think it’s all right, but at the same time I think they should be asking the community instead of just going ahead and doing a project.
–David Sanchez
I think it’s a great idea and it will only help these folks live more productive lives.
–Keisha Raymond
There’s a stigmatism that goes with HIV and AIDS. People always assume that they are drug abusers and that’s not the case. Of course they deserve a place to live.
–Geraldine O’Neil
It’s all right with me as long as they don’t infect me. It doesn’t bother me in any way. Everybody deserves a place to live. No one deserves to be homeless.
–Michael Villanueva
Everybody has the right to low-income housing and this is the community of the working poor, so welcome. Would we get in there? Probably not. It seems that they’re building these places in the working poor neighborhoods, but the income guidelines are for the middle class, which we don’t qualify for. Why is it only here in the Bronx? This is the first I’m hearing about it period. If you never would have said anything and if I didn’t see the picture, I never would have known.
–Lisa Overton
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