
Celebrating Centenarians at St. Patrick’s Home

Celebrating Centenarians at St. Patrick’s Home
(l-r) Sr. SHAWN FLYNN Corporate Compliance Officer), Donna Berna (volunteer), Maria Ordonez (Pastoral Cars Assistant) Kathy Mayer (Director of Pastoral Care) Kathy Dawkins (Recreation Leader) Sr. Kevin Patricia (Administrator), Janet Kibassa (Director or Recreation), Janet Olivieri (Recreation Leader) Natasha Williams (Recreation Leader), and Noeline Harrington (Dementia Leader) pose with centenarians (left to right) Sr. Benign Consolata, O. Carm., Mary Palermo, Julia Bizzarri, Antoinette Cortina and Annina Walsh

St. Patrick’s Home for the Aged and Infirm held its annual Centennial Celebration for their residents who have reached the milestone of 100 years of age.

The senior residence honored five centenarians: Julia Bizarri, 104, Annina Walsh, 102, Antoinette Cortina, 102, Sr. Benigna Consolata, O. Carm., 101, and Mary Palermo, who is 99 years old and hitting the century mark in November. Honorees Irene Kuchma, 100, and Mary Cordillo, 99, also received recognition but were not present.

Celebrating Centenarians at St. Patrick’s Home
Recreation Leaders Kathy Dawkins and Janet Olivieri present customized cake to centenarians.
Photo by Devin Dae Tucker

“This is indeed a wonderful celebration for all of us who have the privilege of knowing or being related to these wonderful women,” said St. Patrick’s Home Administrator Sr. Kevin Patricia. “The women who we are pausing to recognize this day have lived full lives that provided a purpose in their lives by giving loving care to those with whom they shared their lives, their energies, their strengths and their love.”

The event featured dancing, live swing music, catered food, a cake made in honor of the centenarians, and a liturgical dance performed by Janet Kibassa, the home’s director of recreation and other staffers. Kibassa began this annual celebration more than a decade ago and understands the impact it has on residents, their families and staff.

“This is my 14th year at St. Patrick’s Home and I’ve been doing it since year one,” Kibassa said. “It’s a pleasure to have them with us and it’s always a blessing to have them and that’s the best part of this celebration, to see our centenarians all dressed up, looking very nice and having fun.”


Mayor Bill de Blasio and First Lady Chirlane McCray even offered their greetings to the centenarians, congratulating honorees “on the wonderful occasion of your birthday,” in a statement sent to the home.

“May this be a joyous time as your loved ones gather to celebrate this exciting milestone!” de Blasio added.

Fifteen minutes into the gathering, Sr. Kevin Patricia took to the podium, and quoted from author Bo Bennett to encapsulate the honorees moment.

“Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization,” Sr. Kevin read.


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