[Willie Colon, here performing “El Gran Varon,” plays Lehman Center next weekend.]
The Norwood News’ Out & About section highlights what’s going on in arts, entertainment and recreation in the Bronx every two weeks.
Editor’s Pick
Salsa Legend at Lehman Center
The Lehman Center for the Performing Arts, 250 Bedford Pk. Blvd., W., presents salsa legend Willie Colon, June 8 (tickets are $30 to $50); each at 8 p.m. For more information, call (718) 960-8833.
The Bronx Library Center, at 310 E. Kingsbridge Rd., presents Jose Obando Trio, salsa concert, June 1; and Doo Wop, June 8; each at 2:30 p.m. For more information, call (718) 579-4244/46/57 or visit www.nypl.org.
The Lehman Center for the Performing Arts, 250 Bedford Pk. Blvd., W., presents An Enchanted Evening, fund-raiser hosted by actress Kerry Washington, June 14 with a private reception at 6:30 p.m. in the Concert Hall lobby with hors d’oeuvres and desserts, followed by music and celebrity interviews at 8 p.m. ($125/person). Advance tax-deductible tickets required, online at www.lehmancenter.org, in person at the Concert Hall box office, or by phone). For more information, call (718) 960-8833.
The Bronx Academy of Art & Dance (BAAD), 841 Barretto St., presents dance performances: The Boogie Down Dance Series: Physual: 10th Anniversary Concert, featuring various performances, May 31 and June 1 ($20). Also presented are: Capoeira Dance Class, June 1 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. ($7). For more information, call (718) 842-5223.
Pregones Theatre. 571-575 Walton Ave., presents Neon Baby, musical about gays performed in English and Spanish, recommended for mature audiences, through June 2. For more information and a detailed schedule, call (718) 585-1202.
Bronx Museum of the Arts presents First Fridays, featuring film, art performances, music and other special events. ADLIB Steel Band Orchestra, will perform Trinidad and Tobago music, in the Andrew Freedman Home, 1125 Grand Concourse (across the Concourse from the museum) on June 7 from 6 to 10 p.m. For more information, call (718) 681-6000.
Bronx Museum of the Arts, 1040 Grand Concourse, presents Puerto Rican History Celebration Honoring the Young Lords, May 31, in the 2nd floor North Wing, 6:30 to 9 p.m.; and Readings & Conversations, with author James Gillard, June 5 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the North Wing lobby. For more information, call (718) 681-6000.
Wave Hill, a Bronx oasis at 675 W. 252nd St. in Riverdale, offers Family Arts Projects: A Tree Lives Here, to create a tree with oil pastels, followed by a live theatre performance at 11 a.m. and parade at 12:30 p.m., June 1 and 2; and Touch a Rainbow, to make a spectrum from collected materials, June 8 and 9; both from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Ecology Building. Grounds admission is free Saturdays until noon and free Tuesdays until noon in June. Glyndor Gallery tours take place Tuesdays and Saturdays at 2 p.m.; garden walks are held Tuesdays and Saturdays at 11 a.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m., from the Perkins Visitor Center. For more information and a schedule of events, call (718) 549-3200.
The public is invited to ride the June 5 free Bronx Culture Trolley, which transports visitors on the first Wednesday of every month (except January and September) to Bronx hot spots, all featuring a variety of entertainment options and ends at Sweetwater’s Bar & Grill for music, food and drink. Trolley night starts with a 5 p.m. reception at the Longwood Art Gallery at Hostos Community College, 450 Grand Concourse (at 149th St.). From there, the trolley departs at 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. New attractions are added monthly; admission to most venues is free. Riders can get on and off at any scheduled stop and spend as much time as they wish at any or all of the featured venues. For more information and a detailed schedule, call (718) 931-9500 ext. 33 or log on to www.bronxarts.org.
Battle of the Boroughs Tennis Challenge, which takes place in Crotona Park at East 173rd Street and Crotona Avenue on June 1, is a tournament that supports CitParks Tennis which provides free tennis lessons and activities for children at 40 parks citywide. For more information, call (917) 923-0026.
The Westchester Square Business Improvement District presents Celebrating the Earth, featuring music, organic mask making, arts and crafts, composting with worms, face painting, and more, June 1, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Owen Dolen Park in Westchester Square; and its 1st Annual Meeting, June 13 from 8:30 to 10 a.m. at the Pine Bar and Grill, 1634 Eastchester Rd. BID property owners, commercial tenants, businesses, and residents must register to vote at this meeting. Register on their website ASAP. For more information, call (718) 597-4629.
The Bronx County Historical Society’s Museum of Bronx History at the Valentine-Varian House, 3266 Bainbridge Ave., presents its Annual Valedictorian Awards Ceremony, to honor Bronx high school valedictorians, June 9 at 1 p.m. which includes entertainment, refreshments, hors d’oeuvres, and tours of the museum, followed by the awards ceremony at 2 p.m. with gifts to the students. Tax deductible contributions are welcome. For more information, call (718) 881-8900.
The Bronx County Historical Society’s Museum of Bronx History at the Valentine-Varian House, 3266 Bainbridge Ave., presents Pastimes & Pleasures: Having Fun in the Bronx, through Oct. 23. For more information, call (718) 881-8900.
The New York Botanical Garden presents Wild Medicine: Healing Plants Around the World, Featuring the Italian Renaissance Garden, including interactive stations with activities and samples of products made from therapeutic plants, through Sept. 8. For more information, call (718) 817-8512/8637.
Pregones Theatre, 575Walton Ave., presents Sinfonía del Color del Trópico, paintings depicting life in the Dominican Republic, through May 31, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. For more information, call (718) 585-1202.
The Bronx Museum of the Arts, 1040 Grand Concourse, presents Joan Semmel – A Lucid Eye, self portraits of a female aging through her 80s, through June 9. Also featured are Honey, I Rearranged the Collection (artwork from the museum’s permanent collection) and Bronx Lab: Style Wars (featuring graffiti and its relation to style), both through June 2. For more information, call (718) 681-6000.
Library Events
The Bronx Library Center, at 310 E. Kingsbridge Rd., presents programs for adults including Computer Basics: June 4 and 6; Internet for Beginners: June 7; and MS Word for Beginners: June 11 (all at 2 p.m.). Teens/young adults can attend On the Plate at 4:30 p.m.: cooking workshop (all materials provided), May 30. Children can enjoy Global Partners Junior at 4 p.m.: (ages 5 to 12: phone or in-person registration required), June 5; Preschool Story Time at 11 a.m.: May 30, June 6 and 13; Films at 4 p.m.: June 4 and 11; Fish Book Making: May 30 at 4 p.m.; Family Time: June 8 at 11 a.m.; and Jewelry Box Making: June 13 at 4 p.m. The entire family can enjoy Grand Summer Reading Kickoff: featuring various fun activities, June 1 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information, call (718) 579-4244/46/57 or visit www.nypl.org.
The Mosholu Library, at 285 E. 205th St., offers for seniors and adults: Knitting Circle: Thursdays at 3 p.m.; and Wii Program: Tuesdays at 3 p.m. Teens/young adults can attend Arts and Crafts: June 4 at 4 p.m. Children can enjoy Toddler Story Time at 10:30 a.m.: June 6 and 13; and Presley and Melody: (through ages 12 years), interactive concert. Speakers of other languages can attend free English Conversation Program: intermediate level, June 4 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. For more information, call (718) 882-8239.
The Jerome Park Library, at 118 Eames Place, offers Cooking at 4 p.m.: May 30, June 6 and 13; and Crafternoons: June 5 at 4 p.m. (all for teens/young adults). Children (ages 5 to 12) can enjoy Arts and Crafts: June 3 at 4 p.m.; and Film: June10 at 4 p.m. Adults can attend Computer Basics at noon: May 30, June 4, 6, 11 and 13. For more information, call (718) 549-5200.
NOTE: Items for consideration may be mailed to our office or sent to [email protected], and should be received by June 3 for the next publication date of June 13.